Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Enter Sandman.

In lieu of an actual post...due to the fact that I've just been really swamped with who knows what...By the way, don't you just hate it when people write "your" instead of "you're"?

Death, the second of The Endless, you are responsible for ending all lives and taking them to your realm, from which no one ever returns. You are bright, positive, happy, optimistic%2
Death, the second of The Endless, you are
responsible for ending all lives and taking
them to your realm, from which no one ever
returns. You are bright, positive, happy,
optimistic and enjoy everything about life, but
that does not mean you're silly or stupid. You
can lay the smack down when you have to!
Everyone loves you, and they don't know why.

Which Endless are you?
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