Thursday, July 29, 2004

Lamb Chops sing-a-long.

I've got a 2.666kg leg of lamb in the fridge, sitting in a baking tray, soaking in an olive oil and salt bath. The reason why there's a leg of lamb sitting in the fridge is because mom-in-law had a visitor from NZ who carried not only a couple of legs of lamb(s) back from the land not-so-downunder but also a ton of steak.
Said leg of lamb sitting in my fridge marinating was the only thing that wasn't kept in the freezer and defrosted. Figuring that we'd play it safe, we decided that it would be best if we served up said meat to the D&D crowd tomorrow. <>
That said, there is a sad lack of booze at our place so if there are any requests for beer I suggest that the players either BYOB or submit a request to fill our fridge.
In the meantime, I need to go look for rosemary (the spice, not the girl...uhm...not that there's a girl or anything...iloveyoudear...) and some other spices. Also got to decide on a side dish that requires little cooking time. Maybe we should just BYOSD. (BYO Side Dish)
Just realised that there's a slight problem. I've got a stupid briefing tomorrow till about 5 and with a roasting time of just under 3 hours, it could be 8:30 before we eat...
/me panic
I also do not have a meat thermometer.
Maybe I can sneak out of the briefing halfway, run home and stick the leg in the oven, and then run back...hmmm...
Ah what fools these teachers be.
OK...reading up on lamb recipes now and all the talk of drippings is making my stomach really growl...methinks it's time for brekkie.


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